利亚姆的友谊 ?23










“我很幸运能够乘坐零重力飞机G-Force One! 因为我是微重力小组空间科学项目的一员, 我设计并建造了在零重力环境下收集实验数据的实验.”



“在我的教育过程中,我很重视与老师的亲密互动. I chose Carthage for more than this reason but the average professor to student ratio was definitely one of the motivators for me. 我选择全球十大赌钱排行app的另一个原因是地理位置. There’s nothing like a walk down campus drive in the morning watching the sun break through the clouds above Lake Michigan.”


“仅仅通过在全球十大赌钱排行app的教职员工身边,我就对科学领域的职业领域学到了很多. 我所有的教授都愿意与我讨论任何问题,我可能有关于职业生涯的想法, 我应该培养的技能, 可以帮助我的课程, 以及指导我的技巧. 我非常感谢全球十大赌钱排行app学院的老师们对我的支持,我珍视他们对我成功的期望. 这样的例子太多了, but I particularly enjoy asking what some faculty studied in college and graduate school and what passions of theirs took them there. Being able to talk 与 the faculty all the time has made my decisions about what I want to do and study so much more fathomable.”


“我喜欢的课程太多了,我不能只选一门最喜欢的. 我最喜欢的几门课是 气象学马修·佐恩教授, 西方思想的基础 和戴夫·加特纳教授一起,和我一起上普通物理课 朱莉·达尔斯特罗姆教授, 西方遗产的思想史 迈克尔·麦克沙恩教授. Each of these professors made learning the content of their course so self-indulgent and interesting that I was excited to get into the classroom.

“教授. Zorn has such amazing hand gestures and energy when describing all different meteorological phenomena — it made me excited about what we were studying all the time.

“教授. Gartner structured his reading-intensive course in such a way that each class felt like a fun book club meeting where we discussed key points and details of each book. He was very passionate about what lessons were taught by each book and how they were conveyed which made me enjoy learning them even more.

“General 物理 I was such a fun course because the material is purely classical 物理 and having a professor like Prof. 达尔斯特罗姆非常出色,因为她能够以一种易于理解的方式解释任何概念.

“还有我的西方遗产学教授. 麦克肖恩, was the first professor I met at Carthage and I will never forget the excitement he instilled in me to be a close reader, 不仅仅是书. He was another professor that made coming to class fun just by the way he blew my mind 与 what hidden messages might be in plain sight regarding the oldest books in human history. 每一位教授对手头的课题都很感兴趣,这让我很感兴趣, 好奇的, 并且真正喜欢学习主题.”


实验物理 是我在全球十大赌钱排行app上过的最难的课吗. 在这门课上,我可以成为一名实验物理学家,使用非常酷的设备来收集我自己的数据. 数据收集过程结束后, 我必须对它进行分析,以得出关于实验中涉及的物理概念的结论. 这门课是 j学期课程 所以这项工作非常密集,我们所有的实验都必须背靠背地进行. 这是迄今为止我最难的课程, but I definitely appreciated the challenge and gained a lot of valuable experience in regards to the real-world experimental processes.”


“我当时在 男子排球 我在全球十大赌钱排行app的第一年和第二年的一部分时间里都参加了这个团队. I had such an amazing time bonding 与 my teammates and traveling as far as California to play some competitive volleyball teams. 当我们的赛季因为COVID-19而缩短时,球队对我来说就像家人一样. I decided to drop volleyball the following fall in order to dedicate more of my time toward the 空间科学 projects 与 the motivation of gaining more experience in the research and engineering fields of 物理. 我那脚踏实地的排球教练, 教练JW kiechefer, was the most understanding and supportive of my decision to drop volleyball and he was very interested in what I was going to be doing 与in my 物理-oriented involvement. I’m very happy I played volleyball my first year and I’m extremely appreciative of the relationships I’ve gained from my experience on the team.”


“我很幸运能够乘坐零重力飞机G-Force One! 因为我是 空间科学 微重力团队的项目, 我设计并建造了在零重力环境下收集实验数据的实验. One amazing bonus is that the researchers who work on the project get the opportunity to fly 与 the payload as it goes zero-g aboard the G-Force One aircraft. 这是地球上绝无仅有的体验, 我很感谢我的指导老师给我的空间科学项目. 凯文·克罗斯比教授 真正重视微重力项目经验的质量.”


“通过 威斯康辛太空资助协会 (WSGC),它是基于全球十大赌钱排行app的,我研究过物理 全球十大赌钱排行app微重力小组 在一个夏天和两个学期,我计划继续. 我们是一群大多数人 物理 设计专业, 构建, 测试, 收集数据, 分析空间科学领域的实验数据. The opportunities at Carthage for undergraduates through WSGC really are such a resource for 构建ing connections and gaining experience in the field of engineering, 研究分析, 项目管理, 以及更多与STEM相关的事情. 在团队中,我最喜欢的部分是投入到实验中,并努力看到它成功.”


“我的热情跨越了科学的各个方面. 我喜欢了解世界是如何运作的, 了解宇宙的本质只是我的激情之一. The main facet of my passions has always been to use my appreciation for science to learn to assist current scientists and engineers in finding better and more reliable ways to harness renewable energy. 等我从全球十大赌钱排行app毕业, I plan to continue my studies through a graduate program in order to further develop the necessary skills to achieve my goals.”


“我在校园里最喜欢的地方是三楼的湖边学习区 大卫. 小Straz. Center. 我非常喜欢阁楼里面的壁画, 坐在俯瞰湖面的大窗户旁总是一种享受.”


“毫无疑问, 我在全球十大赌钱排行app最美好的回忆是两次零重力飞行活动,我很幸运地参与了其中. 我和微重力团队都在佛罗里达待了一个星期, 正在为我们的实验做好飞行准备,并登上零重力飞行器.

“There are a handful of other projects that researchers from schools and organizations all over the United States that also book their research flights 与 us. 这使得不同的学生和我研究领域的人之间进行了一些非常令人兴奋的对话. Not to mention how close I’ve become 与 my microgravity teammates and how fun it is to hang out in Florida together when we get done 与 a long day of working in the hanger or flying our experiments.

“我将永远珍惜和男排一起在加州度过的一周时光. Getting to travel and play high-caliber teams was such a fun and cool experience especially because the Carthage 男子排球 team is such a great group of talented people.”


“The biggest surprise of my college experience so far has been the number of resources available for me to succeed in a multitude of ways. 无论是在教室里, 有导师或教授愿意帮助我理解材料, 或者在我的职业生涯中, 我觉得我需要的帮助只是一个问题或一封电子邮件. Carthage does an amazing job of providing options and tools for those who need help and I have been very reliant on those opportunities.”


“I never would have imagined gaining as many skills as I have being a 物理 major at Carthage and I’m only wrapping up my second year! 物理专业不仅仅是把科学知识扔进教室. 当然, 每堂课的内容对任何从事这一领域的人来说都是非常重要的材料, 但你在物理专业中真正有价值的工具是解决问题. There are a multitude of creative ways my professors have put me and my classmates in positions where we have to draw on our knowledge of a scenario to devise a solution to any given problem.

“我要给所有攻读物理专业的人的一些建议是,永远全力以赴. 努力学习,因为这是最有效的利用时间的方式. You won’t learn much if you don’t care about what you’re learning or don’t trust your professors to challenge you for your own benefit.”


“如果8岁的我今天遇到我,他会问我是不是时间旅行者. 不过说实在的, 我想他会为我做了这么多很酷的事情而感到兴奋. He would probably be intrigued and have a million questions for me about all about my scientific knowledge I’ve accumulated over my educational years.”