Kiannah Hayes

Kiannah Hayes

Class Year



Wheeling, Illinois


Social Science


Sociology & Secondary Education

“的 staff at every center on campus — whether it’s the financial aid desk, 的 Aspire Center, 或者是 Registrar’s Office — are there to help you.”

Kiannah Hayes, ’25

Career goal

“My goal is to be an educator in the social science fields or get the chance to become an educator in sociology. I want to pursue this goal at the high school I’ve attended, Wheeling High School, or within that same district.”

How have Carthage faculty had an impact on your life or Carthage career?

“哦,是的! 的 Carthage faculty is so great! I’ve had my fair share of moments where professors blew my mind while speaking or kept me engaged f或者是 whole two hours of a class. 的se professors showed me what type of educator I wanted to be!”

Favorite class

“My favorite class so far has been African American Religion, taught by Professor Crump. This class was engaging, and the information stuck with me because I was intrigued. I didn’t have to force myself to study; I was so excited about the class that I wanted to learn more.”

Campus involvement

“I am now the Vice President of the Black Student Union; I am a member of NASA (Native American Student Union) and UWC (United Women of Color).”

Internships or on-campus employment

“我是一个 Urban Teacher Preparation student worker. This program allows students in the field to get experience as soon as possible. As a worker, I advocate f或者是 program and help create events while partnering up with schools around the 出赛 and Racine area, but I also attend the urban teacher prep program.”


“I have received many scholarships and I am thankful for all of them! 的 one I hold dear to my heart is the Black Student Union Scholarship. I’ve been a member of the Black Student Union since my freshman year.”

Favorite moments and memories at Carthage

“My favorite Carthage memories have to trip with Black Student Union. 的 75 Years of Black Excellence Gala, the skating party we had with Parkside. My next best memory also has to be meeting my great friends, Maddie, Aaliseyah, Andrea, and Abby. 的y have made my Carthage experience so much better, and I’m glad I get to share it with them.”

Favorite spot on campus

“My favorite spot on campus has to be the 或者是 Campbell Student Union.”

Why should other students consider your major? What advice do you have f或者是m?

“I’m always here for people doing what they love to do, so don’t just consider my major! Consider many of the others on campus as well. You will be so surprised by what students find interesting. I will say if you’re a person who loves to think, become socially aware, and enjoy finding connections between young students academically, this is the major and minor for you.”

Why Carthage?

“I chose Carthage College because of the eagerness our professors and staff have to ensure students like me are successful. Carthage has one great education program! 的 staff at every center on campus — whether it’s the financial aid desk, 的 Aspire Center, or Registrar’s Office — are there to help you. Many times without you even asking! 的y will keep you on your toes as a student, so you never give up.”